10 Reasons to Use Your Library’s Computers

May 4, 2016

The computer room at Laramie County Library in Cheyenne.

The computer room at Laramie County Library in Cheyenne.

Adapted from the Laramie County Library System blog

Wyoming’s public libraries see more than 900,000 computer uses a year. The Laramie County Library System staff came up with a great list of reasons to use this awesome resource.

Carbon County Library, Rawlins

Carbon County Library, Rawlins

So here are ten reasons to use your library’s computers:

  1. It’s a place to meet your family. Social media (primarily Facebook) has made it incredibly easy to check in with family half way across the globe or right down the street.
  2. It’s a place to sell your goods or buy someone else’s. eBay? Facebook? Garage Sale? Craigslist? Half.com or Amazon Marketplace? Virtual transactions are happening, and that’s another dollar earned!
  3. It’s a place to catch up on tv shows. With Netflix becoming the ever popular choice (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/is-netflix-more-popular-than-tv/) for TV viewing, people can catch up on Animaniacs, reruns, or House of Cards episodes. With Hulu, Plex, Amazon Video and YouTube offering a selection of viewing options…. Well, you may be sad the library’s not open 24/7!
  4. It’s a virtual playground. World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and other online RPGs not only provide an outlet for people to interact, they also let you brush up on some soft skills (like friendly competition, creativity, or problem-solving –http://www.parents.com/kids/development/benefits-of-video-games/#page=1). It’s only in lands of make-believe where we can be futuristic plumbers running from man-eating plants, riding green lizards, all while trying to save a princess (who’s always getting captured!).
  5. Glenrock

    Glenrock Branch Library

    It’s a place to plan your next vacation. A trip to Washington, D.C. to see monuments? Turks and Caicos Islands to stretch out on the beach? Maybe a Disney cruise to the games and hang out with Goofy? Search Kayak.com, Hotels.com or your favorite travel site. There’s a printer available to print off your itinerary or boarding pass.

  6. It’s a hoppin’ job marketplace. There are always people working on resumes, or filling out job applications. Do you need to take an exam? Or take an online course for your place of employment? You can do that, too.
  7. Converse County Library, Douglas

    Converse County Library, Douglas

    It’s a place to learn about the newest [insert cool thing here]. Brush up on your Facebook skills. Learn how to use Windows XP. Learn about pivot tables in Excel, how to download eBooks to a portable device, or the differences between Mac and PC. With enough notice, reference librarians can find you information on anything.

  8. It’s the world’s largest shopping mall. There are great local stores, but sometimes you just need the newest rug from Crate & Barrel, or a particular lumbar device to help ease aches and pains. Now with two-day shipping being affordable, it can be at your door in the blink of an eye.
  9. It’s a place to glean creativity (and steal fun décor ideas). Instagram. Instructables. Food Gawker. Houzz. The list could go on! Why have the same ol’ boring mac ‘n’ cheese when you can add panko, bacon, and gruyere to jazz it up?
  10. It’s a place to start a business or get ideas about where to begin. You’ve got access to a wealth of business information, including the great resources in the GoWYLD.net business resources, along with library staff to guide you as you search.

Contact your local library to find out exactly what’s available in your Wyoming community.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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