Explore UW’s Botanical Field Books Online

Oct 2, 2017

Reposted from The UW library news blog

Thanks to the efforts of UW Digital, you can explore images of notebooks compiled during botanical field work performed by Aven Nelson, Elias Nelson, Leslie N. Goodding, Edwin B. and Lois B. Payson, and Louis O. Williams (among others).

The Botanical Field Books Collection offers a glimpse of dates, locations, and names of specimens collected primarily in Wyoming. Specimens from parts of Colorado, Nebraska, Montana, Idaho, and other states are also included in the collection.

To access the Botanical Field Books Collection, visit www-lib.uwyo.edu, scroll down to Collections, and choose “GO” under UW Digital.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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