Free, online, continuing education events for the week of July 8 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Monday, July 8 (9-10 am)
The Hidden Power of Donor Surveys (Nonprofit Hub)
As fundraisers, we sometimes suffer from a lack of curiosity about our donors. So many of our donations are from people who we know very little about. And even our longest-running donor relationships continue despite not knowing how they feel about the relationship. The good news is that research shows that donors actually like it when we ask them questions about themselves and how they feel about our organization. Whether you’re just now discovering the power of donor surveys, or you’re looking to up your game, this session is for you!
Monday, July 8 (3-4 pm)
Smart Network Design for Transformation and Innovation: Reaching in and Beyond the Classroom (
Education networks have evolved from addressing district operational and administrative needs to serving students and teachers in and beyond the classroom, anywhere and anytime. Innovative technologies, more access to the internet, and powerful communication, creation, and collaboration tools are driving instructional transformation. Join in this edWebinar conversation as two school superintendents and a former large-district Chief Technology Officer share how district leaders can make high-stakes infrastructure investment decisions when technology, teaching and learning priorities, and funding are changing so rapidly and so constantly.
Tuesday, July 9 (11-12 pm)
From Beyond our Borders: Providing Multilingual and Multicultural Health Information (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This one-hour webinar will provide a basic introduction to foreign-born populations. The presentation will start with some background data about immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. We’ll touch briefly on concepts related to cultural competence and humility and how to integrate them into your work. Finally, we’ll review the CDC’s Refugee Health Profiles and the National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus, HealthReach, and Specialized Information Services resources.
Tuesday, July 9 (11-12 pm)
Set Your Summer up for Success: Win Your Donor’s Hearts, Minds, and Wallets (Network for Good)
You know who they are. The fundraiser who makes it look easy. Getting the big gifts. Loving their job. Always smiling. At the cocktail party they’re surrounded by all the donors you want to get to know. What’s their secret? Come learn the secrets of high performing gift officers. This session is loaded with irresistible tools to help you stand out, successfully get your foot in the door, establish a foundation or fundraising success, and know if your message is getting through.
Tuesday, July 9 (12-12:45 pm)
Measles, Immunizations, and Finding Accurate Health Information with MedlinePlus (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar provides an overview of MedlinePlus with a focus on locating measles and vaccination information. Presenters will also describe the suite of free consumer health classes offered by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) and the process of earning the Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS).
Tuesday, July 9 (12-1 pm)
The Art of the (Graphic) Novel (Booklist)
July is Graphic Novels month at Booklist, and what better way to kick off this momentous celebration than with two graphic novel-themed webinars! In part one of this two-part series we’ll hear from publishers Boom, Diamond, Image Comics, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan and Scholastic to get the inside scoop on summer and fall releases. You’ll be sure to stock up your stacks with some great new titles so your patrons can #READGRAPHIC all year long!
Tuesday, July 9 (12-1 pm)
Performance Support: Accelerating Productivity at Point-of-Work (InSync Training)
Training alone cannot drive performance, only contribute to it; that’s the root of the problem. The business needs workforce productivity, meaning consistent performance at Point-of-Work, where performance represents the productivity end of a learning-performance continuum. In the current training paradigm, Point-of-Work is out of scope. In this session, you will learn: cross-industry tactics and methods to identify and apply; which conversations need to change, and a proven tactic to succeed; a methodology to build seamless continuity across a learning-performance continuum from Point-of-Entry to Point-of-Work; Point-of-Work assessment tactics to capture performance attributes across the learning performance ecosystem; and technology implications critical to adopting a Point-of-Work solution discipline.
Tuesday, July 9 (12-1:30 pm)
HVAC Installation, Renovation, and Collections Environments – An Introduction (Connecting to Collections Care)
This session will discuss strategies for collections and institutional staff working with engineering/contractor partners during HVAC design, installation, and renovation processes, with the ultimate goal being an active, integrated decision-making approach that best combines the expertise of both collections and mechanical professionals.
Tuesday, July 9 (12-1:30 pm)
PubMed for Librarians: Introduction (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Attend this class to learn about the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE, how to run a basic PubMed search, assess your search results, analyze search details, customize PubMed with My NCBI, search for a known citation; plus, brief introductions to MeSH, automatic term mapping, search tags and subheadings.
Tuesday, July 9 (1-2 pm)
Supporting Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Students with Pride (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
In this webinar, GLSEN education manager Becca Mui and NCTE board member Vanessa Ford will overview current national research on LGBTQ students in schools, address the unique and intersectional needs of trans and GNC youth, discuss common language, and share best practices for creating supportive learning environments. Join this free webinar to learn more about how you can support all your students during Pride Month and beyond.
Tuesday, July 9 (1-2 pm)
Leveraging Library Card Sign-up Month in Your Community (Libraries Transform/American Library Association)
Learn how to leverage 2019 Library Card Sign-up Month Honorary Chairs, Disney Pixar’s “Toy Story 4” characters, and get tips for running a successful campaign from special guest Amber McNamara of Cedar Rapids Public Library.
Wednesday, July 10 (9-10 am)
Fun, Easy, and Inexpensive Teen Nights (aka After Hours) (Nebraska Library Commission)
Are you having trouble peaking the interest of your teens and tweens? Does it seem like an impossible task to get them involved and excited about the programs? You have come to the right place! Janene Hill, from Jensen Memorial Library in Minden, NE, is going to share her expertise to teach us ideas for a variety of Teen Night Events, including examples of successful events, interaction stations with example activities, and group brainstorming.
Wednesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
Introduction to Fundraising Planning (Grant Space)
Does your organization need help directing its fundraising efforts? Planning focuses your organization by setting fundraising priorities and helps give staff and board members a roadmap to success. This introductory class will provide you the basic steps for developing a fundraising plan.
Wednesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
Empowering the New Generation of Connected Supporters (Blackbaud)
What is the latest data telling us about how the different generations connect to our nonprofits – and does it really matter anymore? In this new age of distributed power, learn how you can identify supporters using cutting edge data science and engage them by continuing to expand the limits of omnichannel communications.
Wednesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
ACRL EBSS: Current Topics Discussion on Copyright & Open Educational Resources (Association of College and Research Libraries)
Join us to learn principles of copyright as it applies to creation and hosting of OERs in academic libraries. As the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) continues to rise, librarians should be aware of the copyright issues that impact their creation and use. In this session, we’ll explore licensing considerations for those creating OER and tips and best practices those using OER can follow to help ensure they are abiding by license requirements.
Wednesday, July 10 (4-5:30 pm)
Hidden Treasures: Engaging and Free Resources from TeachersFirst (Teachers First)
Learn about the resources provided by TeachersFirst to make technology integration easy. Explore the teacher-friendly features of TeachersFirst to help you save time in developing technology-infused lessons. Participants will learn strategies to incorporate the tools of the web successfully into any classroom.
Thursday, July 11 (11-12 pm)
RDM Solutions for Smaller Institutions (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Are you trying to figure out how to incorporate RDM services at your smaller institution? Join us as we host Ryan Clement the Data Services Librarian at Middlebury College and Wendy Shook the Science Data Librarian, at Middlebury College, as they discuss research data management (RDM) services at a smaller liberal arts college.
Thursday, July 11 (12-1 pm)
Unreturned Materials as Barriers to Access (Public Library Association)
With public libraries increasingly eliminating fines as a means of reducing barriers to library access, Milwaukee Public Library and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies dared to ask the most basic question: why don’t people return their books? Learn how the research team developed the methodology, executed the study, and what the surprising survey data revealed to help the team better understand the precipitating behavior.
Thursday, July 11 (12-1 pm)
The New Volunteer Manager’s Toolkit (VolunteerMatch)
New to volunteer management? Looking for a refresher on the basics? This webinar will walk you through the three primary Rs – recruitment, retention and recognition. We’ll discuss the most popular program components such as interviews, orientations, volunteer handbooks, and more.
Thursday, July 11 (12-1 pm)
The Tech Effect: Discover the Simple Solution that 1000s of Organizations Are Using to Grow Membership In Today’s World (Wild Apricot)
Have you noticed that it’s getting harder and harder to grow your membership? In this webinar you will learn: All about The Tech Effect, the hidden threat that is making things harder for you to grow; 5 proven strategies to address The Tech Effect and attract new members right away; How an easy tech solution can save you hours of administrative work every day.
Thursday, July 11 (1-2 pm)
CSL Resource Kits: What’s In Them For You! (Colorado State Library)
Join us as we discuss how to take advantage of the ‘Let’s talk about it!: CSL Big Red Resource Kits’ kits in order to gain awareness of social issues facing our communities, hold community conversations, and how to work with identified under-served patrons more successfully.
Thursday, July 11 (1-2 pm)
Living in a Material World: Crafting Programs for Adults (Infopeople)
In this webinar, presenter Kimberli Buckley will discuss how to put together an adult craft program on a budget, how to utilize crafts to promote awareness, and she will offer a wide variety and range of craft examples that will prove that crafts aren’t just for kids. Additionally, she will discuss history of crafts and the current state of the crafting world as well as the therapeutic and health benefits that crafts can provide for adults.
Thursday, July 11 (1-2 pm)
Hooray for Freedom! Part One: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Intellectual Freedom in the Library (WebJunction)
Privacy, confidentiality, and intellectual freedom are core values of librarianship that are easy to agree with, but difficult to implement. Hooray for Freedom! will help you assess your professional practice, give you the legal and ethical context to support democracy in your library, and help you identify practical ways to implement improvements.
Friday, July 12 (12-1 pm)
Making Difficult Conversations Easy (Effectiveness Institute)
Do you shy away from conflict? In organizations across the world conflict is avoided. Expectations go unmet, values are violated, and overall under-performance exists because people do not know how to effectively resolve issues without resorting to the use of power. This one-hour session introduces you to concepts that enable you to begin to “integrate conflict” – to walk into it and effectively handle it – rather than avoid it.