The Smithsonian Institution is offering a free poster exhibition to libraries. World War I: Lessons and Legacies is available to all types of libraries while supplies last. The deadline to request an exhibit is September 13, 2019, so if you’d like this at your library, sign up right away.
Many resources to accompany this can be found on Several history databases accommodate all levels of research, and Wyoming Newspapers can give you a sense from the news of the day what was happening on the home front right here in the Equality State.
Check out the guide World War I and Wyoming to explore a wealth of historical resources. This guide, created by the Wyoming State Archives, includes Military Units, Home Life, and People. More support materials may be found on the World History guide, including Life’s World War I, a bookazine in RB Digital, and Teaching with the Library of Congress – World War I.
Questions about what treasures are in the databases? Contact your local library for more information. Library staff wanting assistance may contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian, at or (307) 777-3642.