Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of December 16

Dec 16, 2019

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of December 16 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

All times MST

Monday, Dec 16 (12-1 pm)
Library Programs and Partnerships in the 2020 Census (American Library Association)
Libraries will play vital roles in achieving an accurate and complete count in the 2020 Census. This webinar will highlight key opportunities for libraries to collaborate with community partners and provide informational programs in the upcoming Census. Strategies for libraries to reach groups at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census will be emphasized. Presenters will include representatives from libraries, community organizations, ALA, and the U.S. Census Bureau. The webinar will be offered at no cost to attendees and is presented by ALA’s Public Policy & Advocacy office.

Monday, Dec 16 (1-2 pm)
Check It Out! New Books for Ages 0-18 (State Library of Iowa)
Join us each month for a review of brand new titles published for ages 0-18. You’ll hear short booktalks of new titles (and new entries in ongoing series) from major and Indie publishers and get ideas on how to keep up with the endless tide of what’s new in kidlit and young adult literature.

Tuesday, Dec 17 (12-1 pm)
#eBooksForAll Campaign Update (Public Library Association)
Join the ALA Public Policy & Advocacy Office and the Public Library Association (PLA) for an update on the #eBooksForAll campaign, planned next steps with Congress and data gathering to build the library case, and specific actions you can take to advance these efforts. Bring your questions and your front-line experience to inform national planning and communications.

Tuesday, Dec 17 (12-1 pm)
3 Ways Starting a Podcast Can Help Your Nonprofit Grow (TechSoup)
In this talk, we will discuss: How starting a podcast is a surprising way to create deep content; How to use podcasting to connect with dedicated supporters and meet new audiences; and How you can get your podcast started and what resources you will need.

Tuesday, Dec 17 (1-2 pm)
Community Health Challenges: Training, Language and Programming for Libraries (WebJunction)
This webinar will highlight approaches, resources, and programs that can help reduce stigma and fear surrounding the opioid crisis, and promote healthier communities.

Wednesday, Dec 18 (9-10 am)
Advocates of All Ages: Recruiting and Retaining Younger Generations as Trustees and Friends (Nebraska Library Commission)
Millennials are more likely than other adults to have visited the library recently. However, many friends and trustees boards do not have even a single millennial member (Pew 2016, ALA 2018). What accounts for this discrepancy between the demographics of our library users and library civic leaders, and how do we rectify it? The presenters will argue for the importance of developing generationally representative boards and explore common barriers to service for those under 40. Participants will leave with practical strategies for identifying and recruiting from the Millennial and Gen-Z generations, and for adapting board cultures to engage and retain them.

Wednesday, Dec 18 (10:30-11:30 am)
The Ten Behavioral Questions to Ask to Prevent a Bad Hire (State Library of North Carolina)
In this interactive and thought provoking program, we will discuss ten behavioral questions to add to your interview process to help you determine their reactions to situations, explain their successes and failures, their ability to adapt to change and most importantly their ability to fit and not hurt or destroy your culture.

Wednesday, Dec 18 (12-1 pm)
Online Privacy 101 (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Join Tess Wilson (Community Engagement Coordinator, NNLM/MAR) for an introduction to online privacy in the digital age. We live in an era of data breaches and constant surveillance. Learn how to keep your data safe, consider the risks versus rewards of common internet browsing behavior, and navigate best practices for public computer labs, mobile phones, and personal browsing.

Wednesday, Dec 18 (2-3 pm)
Libraries, Utilities, and Medical Vulnerability (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Utility shutoffs can have deadly impacts on individuals who rely on grid energy to power their life-sustaining medical devices. Understanding the health impacts of utility shutoffs and the programs in place to protect medically vulnerable individuals is critical to anyone who lives or works in the path of natural disasters, and anyone who provides health information to medically vulnerable populations inside and outside of disaster zones.

Thursday, Dec 19 (11-12 pm)
A Master Guide to Acquiring New Donors (Network For Good)
With 2020 on the horizon, many nonprofits are wondering: how can I acquire new donors to start off the year successfully? Building a network of donors that are inspired by your nonprofit’s story can be challenging, but Network for Good is here to offer you tips and tricks to maximize new donor acquisition!

Thursday, Dec 19 (12-1 pm)
Is There A Grant For That? (Bloomerang)
Nonprofit organizations are often faced with the challenge of fundraising to achieve their mission and keep the doors open. Many consider looking for foundation and government grants as a source of revenue. But what can grants do for your organization? And how do you even get started?

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