Grant Opportunities

Jan 7, 2020

LibraryReads Travel Grants
DEADLINE for PLA 2020 funding: January 17, 2020
DEADLINE for BookExpo 2020 funding: March 16, 2020
LibraryReads is offering individual grants of up to $1,000 each for PLA 2020 and BEA 2020. They expect to open applications for ALA Annual 2020 in March 2020. Applicants must be  currently employed, in any job title, at a public library in the United States; have an interest in readers’ advisory for adults; and have actively participated in LibraryReads (voted via Edelweiss or NetGalley) in the 3 month period prior to application.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Travel Stipends for Small and Rural Libraries
DEADLINE: January 20, 2020
Libraries Transforming Communities: Facilitation Skills for Small and Rural Libraries is a new learning series from the American Library Association (ALA) designed to help library workers develop facilitation skills to engage with their communities. This program includes registration and travel stipends for in-person training at the 2020 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, online training, and follow-up coaching. ALA will distribute up to 25 stipends to library workers in small and rural communities to cover travel costs. Open to library employees who work in small or rural communities with a legal service area population of 25,000 or less.

Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grant
DEADLINE: January 31, 2020
Underfunded libraries, schools and non-traditional organizations that provide educational services to children are invited to apply to receive one of three Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants. The grant program provides books submitted for consideration for the Coretta Scott King Book Awards to libraries and other organizations to expand their collections.

Gale Cengage Learning Financial Development Award
DEADLINE: February 1, 2020
This award is presented to a library organization to recognize an innovative, creative, well-organized project which successfully developed income from alternative sources including, but not limited to, individual gifts, foundations, endowments, challenge grants, and related efforts. The winner receives a $2500 grant and a framed citation.

Libraries Transform Communities: Engagement Grant
DEADLINE: February 3, 2020
This grant will provide $2,000 for a school, public, academic, tribal or special library to expand its community engagement efforts. Libraries are invited to apply by designing and outlining activities for a library-led community engagement project. Activities may include developing community engagement programs and services, partnering with a community agency that builds the capacity of the community to address an important concern/issue, or creating a program or event that connects the library to a community-identified aspiration or concern.

The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity
DEADLINE: February 3, 2020
If you know a librarian who has gone above and beyond the normal requirements of librarianship to stand up in the face of adversity with dignity and honor, please consider giving that person some much needed recognition by nominating them for this award. The prize consists of $10,000 along with an odd, symbolic object from Snicket’s private stash, and a certificate. The nominee must be a librarian.

Penguin Random House Library Award for Innovation
DEADLINE: February 3, 2020
This award recognizes U.S. libraries and librarians who create lasting innovative community service programs that successfully inspire and connect with new readers. One $10,000 cash award given annually to a library in the U.S. In addition, four runner-up awards consisting of $1,000 in Penguin Random House books. If a suitable candidate is not found, the award will not be presented that year.

Digital Learning Day Mini-Grants
DEADLINE: February 14, 2020
In advance of Digital Learning Day, the American Library Association is opening a call for applications for $700 mini-grants to school, tribal, public, and academic libraries to design and implement programs using Google’s Applied Digital Skills resources. Up to 290 eligible libraries will be selected to deliver at least 4 sessions throughout the programming they develop. Digital Learning Day, to be held February 27, 2020, is an annual event that promotes the effective use of technology tools to enhance learning experiences for youth.

Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant
DEADLINE: February 15, 2020
This grant is awarded to an individual on an annual basis to provide monetary support (up to $1,000) to participate in continuing educational event(s) to keep current in his/her career field. Monies may be used to participate in continuing professional development even(s) offered by the American Library Association (ALA), an ALA-related unit or association, State Library Associations, ASTD, the American Management Association (AMA), or any other Learn RT Board approved activity/event.

Lift Every Voice: Why African American Poetry Matters
DEADLINE: February 21, 2020
Lift Every Voice is a national public humanities program dedicated to enhancing appreciation of the African American poetic tradition and its imaginative range and richness. Fifty sites will be awarded a stipend of $1,200 to mount a minimum of two free public programs. Applications are open to public, academic, and community college libraries; and nonprofit museums and community organizations.

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