Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of September 13

Sep 12, 2021

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of  September 13 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

Calendar listings

All times MDT

Tuesday, Sep 14 (10-11 am)
Using Video to Build Nonprofit Success (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
Video and other visual productions can get your nonprofit on the map quickly, raising interest, engagement, and donations. In this webinar, we will explore using video as a means to amplify and expand branding or rebranding efforts, fundraising efforts, and social media efforts. We will discuss how, when used properly, video can help you grow your audience and double your engagement with that audience.

Tuesday, Sep 14 (11-11:45 am)
Why Build Relationships with Grantmakers? (CharityHowTo)
Participating in this free nonprofit webinar, “Why Build Relationships With Grantmakers”, will strengthen your relationship-building efforts and grant writing results in your grant seeking strategy.

Tuesday, Sep 14 (11-12:30 pm)
Reducing Environmental Impacts of Collections Care and Management (Connecting to Collections Care)
People who protect and care for collections are often concerned about the negative impacts of their work on the environment and climate. Fortunately there are resources and practices that augment what you likely already do to limit waste and save money. And there is social science research to guide us in understanding how to adapt behaviors while remaining positive. We’ll explore a variety of approaches that you can take as an individual to ‘green’ your work, AND we’ll consider steps to take to encourage your institution and your peers to join you in making these shifts.

Tuesday, Sep 14 (12-1 pm)
Drawing Disability, Framing Activism: Comics and Graphic Narratives for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research (ProQuest)
Join this webinar to hear literature and disability studies scholar Crystal Yin Lie offer an introduction to graphic narratives as academic resources, focusing on their utility for framing urgent discussions around topics such as bearing witness to trauma, social injustice, and identity politics. Dr. Lie will draw from her areas of specialization (disability studies/health humanities/contemporary literature and life writing) to demonstrate how the comic medium uniquely—and critically—reframes narratives of disability, illness, and health.

Tuesday, Sep 14 (12-1 pm)
Extend Your Campus with a Unified Digital Experience (Blackbaud)
Today’s students are accustomed to having information and communication tools at their fingertips—and they expect nothing less from their higher education experience. Technology has become an even more integral part of the student experience over the past several months and, no matter what the coming months bring, the expectation that institutions be prepared to deliver an effective anytime, anywhere experience won’t fade.

Tuesday, Sep 14 (12-1 pm)
Identity-Celebrating Stories (Booklist)
No two readers are alike, and your library’s collection should reflect the vast readership looking to see themselves in books. Join us Tuesday, September 14 at 1 p.m. CT for a free, one-hour webinar discussing titles that celebrate identities of all kinds.

Wednesday, Sep 15 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Library School Now – Library Workers Talk about Their Library Science Coursework  (Nebraska Library Commission)
Nebraska Library Commission employees who are currently taking college-level coursework in Library Science talk about their decision to take classes, share details about their program experience, and discuss what it’s like to be in Library School right now. What are they glad they did to prepare? What might they do differently? What are they looking forward to, as they progress ahead? Catch them as the fall semester takes off! This discussion will be useful for people thinking about enrolling in a Library Science program, switching programs, going back to finish programs, or anyone who knows people who might find themselves in those positions.

Wednesday, Sep 15 (11-12 pm)
Power of Community in Strategic Planning (Bloomerang)
Too often strategic planning happens in a vacuum, visions casted, momentum built, plans written — yet the people directly impacted by the plan (clients, donors, staff, volunteers, community) are left out. This process has led to plans that have failed to meet its full potential. Community engagement, though at times unwieldy and time-consuming, is critical to truly propel all variables towards a common goal. You’ll see that when done well, a snowball effect happens, where the impossible becomes possible.

Wednesday, Sep 15 (12-1 pm)
Autism in Libraries (Georgia Library Association)
This presentation will focus on some of the ways in which autistic users’ communication and study needs are different from those of allistic users, and what you might need to know in your interactions with them as library users or as employees. We’ll talk about hypersensitivities and how they shape behavior and about different perceptions regarding ambiguities, as well as some things you might want to know about social interaction with autistic users.

Wednesday, Sep 15 (12-1 pm)
Soft Skills: The Tools Every Librarian Should Have (Niche Academy)
Soft skills often speak to personality or character or the way a person works – things that are not necessarily definable or even measurable. In reviewing job postings, the soft skills librarians should have cover the ability to be a team player, collaborate, adapt to change. Librarians need to have interpersonal and communication skills, be organized and courteous.  But, what does it mean to be collegial, creative, or detail-oriented? Most importantly, are they skills that can be taught?  The answer is unequivocally yes, but the key is being aware of them first so you can learn how to master them.

Wednesday, Sep 15 (2-3 pm)
Addressing STEM Stereotypes and Biases: Facilitating Challenging Conversations with Youth (National Girls Collaborative Project)
Stereotypes about who does STEM continue to be pervasive in current society. For girls, particularly girls of color, the cultural stereotypes of STEM disciplines as male dominated and white prevent them from seeing their current or possible future selves within these communities (Kang et al., 2019).  Join NGCP as we dig into this topic and hear from various perspectives on their experiences engaging in challenging conversations. Speakers will also share strategies and resources for addressing and discussing STEM stereotypes and bias with youth.

Thursday, Sep 16 (9-10 am)
National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet James Madison (U.S. National Archives)
James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, has been called the “Father of the Constitution” for his role in drafting the United States Constitution in the summer of 1787. Mr. Madison, as portrayed by actor John Douglas Hall, will reflect on his role in the creation of the Constitution and the controversy surrounding the seminal document.

Thursday, Sep 16 (11-12 pm)
Building a Grant Strategy for 2021-2022 (TechSoup)
Thinking critically and creatively about securing grant support for your organization takes time. It also requires understanding the steps involved when developing a strategic approach to securing the funds needed to do your good work. This training will help you compartmentalize your thinking so you are comfortable that you’ve developed a strong approach to raise the funds needed.

Thursday, Sep 16 (1-2 pm)
Students at the Center: Fostering Secondary Newcomer Student Agency (Saddleback Educational Publishing)
This FREE one-hour webinar is based on a shared belief that achieving equity for multilingual learners must be nonnegotiable. As we are planning for the new academic year, we must also commit to the notion that we cannot go back to “normal.” Instead, let us plan ahead and approach our work with MLs through an equity lens. The presenter will unpack four key strategies to achieve this goal and participants will apply them to their own context during this interactive and highly engaging webinar.

Friday, Sep 17 (10-11 am)
Your Guide to a Seamless Online Event (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
This workshop is designed to give an overview of how to host a great online event. We will be covering tips on how to use and implement your platform of choice into your organization’s mission and event goals, as well as how to engage attendees with it. Attendees will gain an understanding of what support they will need internally or externally to run a seamless online event.

Friday, Sep 17 (12-1:30 pm)
Planned Giving Within Reach (Candid Learning)
When the topic of planned giving (arranging now for a future contribution, usually upon a donor’s death) comes up, many nonprofit leaders and development professionals start to squirm. It can be overwhelming to know where to start, the technicalities of giving vehicles can be confusing, and the idea of talking to people about something that involves their death can be uncomfortable. Accordingly, many community-based nonprofits shy away from planned giving. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way, and you shouldn’t miss the opportunity planned giving offers. Planned giving can be done simply and joyfully. Join Thread Strategies Principals Taryn Deaton and Tracy Shaw for this webinar to learn how to get started and how to incorporate planned giving into your annual development plan.

Friday, Sep 17 (12-1:30 pm)
Coaching and Supervising Staff for Social Emotional Development Growth: Prioritizing SEL in Your Program (Early Childhood Investigations)
Join this paradigm-shifting webinar by early childhood education expert Jacky Howell to explore the most current thinking about social-emotional development and how to ensure the staff you supervise are applying best practice in their classrooms. Jacky will share her insights about how you can plan, set expectations, provide day-to-day coaching, and hold staff accountable for SEL.

Saturday, Sep 18 (9-10:30 am)
Tech for Teens Club : Coding Virtual Reality (PACER Center)
In this Tech for Teens webinar, we’ll use code to create a virtual reality solar system. You’ll then be able to use your own smartphone or tablet (or VR headset if you have one) to move around in 3D virtual space. We’ll also see how virtual reality headsets work with this code and discover how coding can be used in all areas of science.

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