Grant Opportunities

Feb 2, 2022

Dollar General Literacy Foundation Grants
DEADLINE: February 17, 2022
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation supports nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and libraries that offer literacy programs in communities served by Dollar General. Grants are available for adult literacy, family literacy, youth literacy, and summer reading.

Rural Development Broadband ReConnect Program Grants
Deadline: February 22, 2022
Furnishes loans and grants to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. To be eligible, at least 90% of households in the proposed funded service area (PFSA) must lack sufficient access to broadband service, as defined in the latest Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).

Rocky Mountain Power Foundation Community Improvement Grants
DEADLINE: March 15, 2022
The foundation will award grants of up to $10,000 (with most ranging between $2,000 and $5,000) in support of proposals in support of education/STEM. Projects will be supported that have a bearing on communities served by Rocky Mountain Power or Pacific Power, including Wyoming.

John Cotton Dana Award
DEADLINE: March 18, 2022
The John Cotton Dana Award is one of the most prestigious awards given to libraries and honors outstanding library public relations. Up to eight $10,000 awards will be provided by the H.W. Wilson Foundation in 2022. Libraries of all types and sizes are encouraged to submit entries for a 2022 John Cotton Dana Award. Entries should highlight a strategic communications campaign from the past year.

Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant
DEADLINE: March 18, 2022
The grant provides monetary support to participate in continuing educational event(s) to keep current in their career field. The American Library Association Learning Round Table (LearnRT) will award up to $1,000 to an individual to attend a professional development event between September 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023.

AARP Community Challenge
DEADLINE: March 22, 2022
Provides small grants to fund quick-action projects that can help communities become more livable for people of all ages. This year, applications will be accepted for projects to improve public spaces, housing, transportation and civic engagement; support diversity, equity and inclusion; build engagement for programs under new federal laws; and pursue innovative ideas that support people age 50 or older.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education
DEADLINE: March 31, 2022
Want to attend a conference or workshop to build your library skills? Take an online course? Start working toward that library media specialist endorsement or master’s degree in library science? Funds are available to those working or volunteering in Wyoming libraries through the Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education. Applications are accepted six times during the year. The next deadline is March 31, 2022, for continuing education events starting no earlier than May 1, 2022.

The Pilcrow Foundation Children’s Book Project
DEADLINE: April 1, 2022
The Pilcrow Foundation provides new, quality, hardcover children’s books to rural public libraries across the United States. A library’s local sponsors can contribute from $200 to $400, which the Foundation matches on a 2-to-1 ratio. Thus, a library can receive up to $1,200 worth of children’s books. The Foundation provides a list of over 500 quality hardcover children’s books from which grant recipients can select books best suited for their communities. Application deadlines are April 1 and October 1, annually.

Believe in Reading Grants
Believe in Reading targets successful literacy programs which serve populations that show out of the ordinary needs, such as geographic areas with low reading scores and high poverty levels. Believe in Reading will supply funds only if they are earmarked for literacy, not just a general campaign. Reading must be the prime activity.

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