Free, online, continuing education events for the week of March 21 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Monday, Mar 21 (2-3 pm)
(Re)Developing Inclusive & Diverse Library Collections (Infobase)
Join librarian Kelsey Bogan to learn about practical strategies you can use to (re)develop school or public library collections to be truly inclusive and diverse. In this second session of a three-part series on (re)developing inclusive and diverse library collections, we’ll cover a variety of topics in this session, including: How to identify and handle harmful/problematic books; How to ensure you’re choosing diverse books during the acquisitions process; How to get diverse books to circulate.
Tuesday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
Your Community by the Numbers: Race and Ethnicity (US Census Bureau)
Learn how to access data from the Census Bureau on race and ethnicity, using a variety of online tools available at, and other online data tools. During this training, you will also learn about how the Census Bureau collects and publishes data on these topics, as well as how to access and download tables and create maps.
Wednesday, Mar 23 (11-12 pm)
How to be a Great Board Chair (Propel Nonprofits)
The board chair is the highest officer of the nonprofit board of directors. This webinar prepares the board chair for governance and leadership responsibilities. We’ll cover how to design effective board meetings, attend to board development, partner with the CEO/ED, and lead as an ambassador for the organization.
Wednesday, Mar 23 (12-1 pm)
Collecting and Communicating Data in Creative Ways (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
Gathering feedback from youth, parents, and other stakeholders can help your organization understand what’s working well and what could be better. During this training, we will focus on creative, inclusive ways to collect data from all audiences, including younger and multilingual youth. We will also share effective ways to communicate your data with a variety of stakeholders and how to make sure your communication strategy centers what is most useful and relevant to your audience.
Wednesday, Mar 23 (1-2 pm)
Our Blue Planet: EARTH (STAR Net)
Oceans define our home planet, covering the majority of Earth’s surface and driving the water cycle that dominates our land and atmosphere. Join STAR Net and Dr. Michael Wood, a NASA Postdoctoral Program fellow in the Sea Level and Ice Group as we explore how Earth’s oceans are changing and how that impacts Earth as a global, dynamic system. Whether or not your library is participating in the Collaborative Summer Library Program’s 2022 theme “Oceans of Possibilities” this webinar can help prepare you to engage your patrons in discussions about the future of our planet, and even worlds beyond our planet! We will also be sharing resources about other ocean worlds that span our Solar System and beyond.
Wednesday, Mar 23 (1-2 pm)
The Transition from High School to College for the Pandemic Generation (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Education Now is an HGSE webinar series that responds to the dramatic changes in the field of education in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our episodes provide insights and strategies to shape equitable new approaches to challenges across the education landscape.
Thursday, Mar 24 (9-10 am)
Creating Accountability on Your Nonprofit Board (Nonprofit Hub)
We need our board members to be fully engaged in our work and yet a common complaint is that board members aren’t all in. They may be absent, or silent, or off on a tangent or focused on the wrong things, and more. But what does engagement really mean? And can it be measured? Nonprofits have an interesting shared leadership model and it may feel awkward to hold board members accountable. But guess what – they want you to! They want to do a great job and support your cause. And it may be easier to do than you think. So let’s explore ways to set expectations that result in amazing participation with cause for celebration!
Thursday, Mar 24 (9-10 AM)
Orientation to Legal Research Webinar Series: Federal Legislative History (Law Library of Congress)
This entry in the series provides an overview of U.S. federal legislative history resources, including information about the methods of identifying and locating them. In tackling this area of research, the focus will largely be on finding these documents online. We will be highlighting freely-available governmental websites like, govinfo, and, and quickly touch on subscription databases that can be accessed at one’s local public law or academic library.
Thursday, Mar 24 (3-4 pm)
Marketing Your Library – Creative Ways to Share Your Awesomeness (Follett)
In this motivating and lively session, Shannon McClintock Miller will share advocacy and branding ideas and strategies designed to empower you to share your own library story, goals, and vision in memorable, effective, and valuable ways. Miller discusses the why and the how of library advocacy and branding, all while exploring her own journey and what’s worked in her library and district.
Saturday, Mar 26 (9-10 am)
Future Ready Librarians® Summit: Taking Control of Your Collections (Future Ready Librarians)
Beyond knowing local policies, procedures, and partners, librarians need to know what is on their shelves—is your library collection reflective of current generations and your community or a throwback to another century? While you cannot predict the concerns of parents or your community, at least you can know and own your collection if those concerns emerge.