ALA Seeking Survey Responses on Programming and Partnerships

Jun 13, 2022

American Library Association logoThe American Library Association’s Public Programs Office (ALA PPO) is partnering with Knology, a nonprofit research organization, to develop impact indicators for library programming and explore library partnerships. As part of this research, they are asking all libraries to participate in a short, 15-minute survey. At the conclusion of the survey, respondents will be invited to provide contact information if they are interested in participating in a follow-up interview or focus group discussion. While there is no compensation for filling out the survey, interview and focus group participants will receive a gift card.

Take the survey here.

This survey is part of a larger collaborative effort between ALA PPO and Knology, the National Impact of Library Public Programs Assessment. This survey is funded by IMLS grant LG-250153-OLS-21.

The survey asks for information about your library or library system, including the size of the service population, staff size, operating budget, and open hours. Approximations are fine; exact figures are not needed. It may be helpful to have this information accessible before beginning.

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