Pew Research Study Released Today: Libraries and Learning

Apr 7, 2016

The Pew Research Center has just released a new study today, “Libraries and Learning:”

“Majorities of Americans think local libraries serve the educational needs of their communities and families pretty well and library users often outpace others in learning activities. But many do not know about key education services libraries provide.”

PI_2016.04.07_Learning-and-Libraries_0-03This new survey shows that 76% of adults say libraries serve the learning and educational needs of their communities either “very well” (37%) or “pretty well” (39%). Further, 71% say libraries serve their own personal needs and the needs of their families “very well” or “pretty well.” However, many are not aware of libraries’ education- and learning-related material, many of which that are often online, such as ebooks, career resources, GED or high school equivalency classes, programs on business startups, and skills certifications.

The conclusions the study draws are:

  • Library users think of themselves as lifelong learners
  • Library usage continues to evolve
  • Notable shares of Americans do not know that libraries offer learning-related programs and materials

The full study contains much greater detail on the topic. Find it at


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