ESSA and School Libraries: A Resource List

Jun 2, 2016

Students reading at Sundance Elementary School.

Sundance Elementary School

It was big news in December when President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), replacing No Child Left Behind, yet many questions remain: When does this legislation go into effect? How does this legislation affect school libraries? What are the next steps for school librarians? Here is a list of resources from the Council of State School Library Consultants (COSSLC) that may help:

A number of posts have gone out on AASL’s Knowledge Quest blog:

More stories may be found on the site’s ESSA updates.

Do you have questions about ESSA or other school library issues? The Wyoming State Library is here to help. Contact our school library consultant Paige Bredenkamp at or (307) 777-6331.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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