The Wyoming State Archives Hosting Series of Free Virtual Lunchtime Talks

Aug 29, 2023

In honor of American Archives Month, Family History Month, and Electronic Records Day (10-10), the Wyoming State Archives (WSA) is hosting a series of free virtual lunchtime talks throughout October. The three lunchtime talks will be held online (Google Meet) from noon to 1 p.m. MT online on Tuesdays during the month of October.

October 3, 2023
Join the WSA as genealogist and processing archivist Robin Everett demonstrates how to find those, “Skeletons in the Closet: Genealogy Research in the State Archives”. Everett will tell stories and share tips on using the State Archives resources to uncover those skeletons in the closet and more about your family’s history.

October 10, 2023
Join the WSA for “Happy Electronic Records Day: Let’s Talk Digital” with Cindy Brown and Dinah Miles. Cindy Brown, digital archivist for the Wyoming State Archives, and Dinah Miles, digital archivist for the American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming, will discuss electronic records in honor of 10-10.

October 31, 2023
To wrap up the series, Jordan Meyerl will present “Something Strange in the Archives: Call the Roving Archivist”.  Unsure how to survey a new acquisition? Need advice on archival preservation or utilizing environmental controls? For this presentation, Meyerl will share information about the Wyoming Roving Archivist Program’s (RAP) offerings and how they can benefit institutions.

For more information, check out the Wyoming State Archives events calendar or email All events are free and open to the public.



Wyoming/American Archives Month, celebrated each October, celebrates the work of archives and archivists across the nation to collect, preserve, and provide access to our shared documentary history. Celebrated every October since 2001, Family History Month brings opportunities to improve your genealogy skills, find out about new resources, and meet others who share your passion for the past. Electronic Records Day, observed each October 10 as a nod to binary code (10-10), is a day dedicated to creating awareness of the importance of electronic records and their management.

The Wyoming State Archives collects, manages, and preserves Wyoming state public records that have long-term administrative, legal, and historical value. These records document the history of our state and the activities of Wyoming Government offices. The Archives also collects non-government records that contribute to the understanding of the state’s history.

For more information, contact Sara Davis, Wyoming State Archivist, at or call the WSA at 307-777-7826. The Wyoming State Archives is accessible according to the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. If you require special assistance, please contact the Wyoming State Archives at 307-777-7826.


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