$12.6 Million in Capital Construction Funding Awarded to Five Wyoming Libraries

Feb 9, 2024

Five Wyoming libraries have been approved for $12.6 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding from the Wyoming Library Multi-Purpose Community Facility Program (WLMCF). This Wyoming State Library federal subgrant program is funded by the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF) through the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Assistance Listing Number 21.029; Federal Award Identification Number CPFFN0188). One project, the Powell Building Project in Park County, will be building a new library, while the other libraries selected to receive funds will use the money for renovations and extensions to preexisting buildings.

“Our libraries, like many organizations, were greatly affected by the pandemic,” said Abby Beaver, Wyoming State Librarian. “We’re grateful for the ARPA funding that will help local libraries better provide the resources and services that people in their communities need.”

The approved projects include:

  • Multi-Purpose Spaces Project for the Albany County Public Library, approved for $1,030,136 and directed by Rachel Crocker
  • Powell Building Project for the Park County Powell Branch Library in Powell, Wyoming, approved for $8,406,911, directed by Karen Horner
  • Improvements to Multi-Purpose Community Rooms for the Sweetwater County Libraries in Green River, Wyoming, and Rock Springs, Wyoming, approved for $1,475,645.80, directed by Lindsey Travis
  • Health and Safety Renovation for the Uinta County Library in Evanston, Wyoming, approved for $647,171, directed by Claire Francis
  • Multi-Purpose Library Expansion for the Washakie County Library in Worland, Wyoming, approved for $949,589, directed by Karen Funk

The goal of the grant is to provide the public with areas that enable health, education, and job functions.  This was a rare and unique opportunity for libraries to obtain federal funds to improve their spaces to better serve their communities.

These projects are being monitored by the Wyoming State Library, whose board used an impartial application process to select the projects that were approved.  All projects must be completed by the end of the year 2026.

Questions about the Wyoming Library Multi-Purpose Community Facility Program can be directed to Abby Beaver, Wyoming State Librarian, at abby.beaver@wyo.gov or (307) 777-5913 .



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