Happy National Puppy Day

Mar 23, 2024

The dogs of the Wyoming State Library wish you a very happy National Puppy Day! We hope you enjoy this cuteness overload and have a wonderful weekend!

a beautiful profile shot of a golden retriever with powder sugar face and smiling open mouth, a human hand is gently holding the fur on its neck

Leonidas, Dogmom-Christi Weinzierl

a brown dog that looks like a doberman with floppy ears is standing on a green plaid blanket, looking at the camera with sweet brown eyes

Briar Rose, Brand New Dogmom-Cori Hundley

a black boxer with a white triangle on his nose and a black golden doodle with fluffy hair are laying next to each other on the couch, resting their chins on the arm of the chair and staring at the camera with perfect puppy dog eyes

Finnegan Sharkbait and Poppy Von Schnickerdoodle, Dogmom-Abby Beaver

an adorable tricolor chihuahua mix dog is standing on a couch looking into the camera, his tail is blurry because he's clearly very loved and very happy

Nugget, Dogdad-Greg Mosshammer

a pug looks into the camera with false despair as his owner, a man with a dark beard and wearing a baseball cap, smiles and takes a selfie of them cuddling on the couch

Pinto, Dogdad-Nick Marlin

a black terrier mix rolls upside on a bid while hanging over the edge to look at the camera, a snaggle tooth peeking out from his lip. A black cat can be seen peeking over the blankets at the far side of the bed.

Seamus, Dogmom-Genesis Schell

a large fluffy white dog with black ears (one floppy and one upright) and a beautiful black nose is curled up in a dog bed, wondering when their next treat will arrive

Eevee, Dogmom-Katelyn Wittenborn

a beautiful profile shot of a golden retriever with powder sugar face and smiling open mouth, a human hand is gently holding the fur on its neck

Smokey, Dogmom-Jessica Otto

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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