Beads, Butterflies, and Budding Artists at the Goshen County Library

Jun 25, 2024

A teenager and several young children apply glue and colorful squares of to transparent film during a craft at a white table.

Young GCL patrons craft with colorful paper and glue with the help of a volunteer.

During their weekly summer reading event on Wednesday, June 19, so many things were happening at once at the Goshen County Library (GCL) in Torrington, Wyoming.

Tan table with a laptop computer and craft materials for making bracelets: beads, etc.

The GCL’s summer reading bracelet station

Some children were making bracelets with beads they’d earned for reaching their summer reading goals, while others participated in crafts or other literacy-related activities. Still others waited in line to check out their most recent book choices to take home and enjoy.  MIddle-schoolers crafted at a table in one room room while younger patrons worked on their own masterpieces in the library’s foundation building.

Green nylon and white mesh butterfly habitat with several live butterflies

Butterflies patiently await their release into the wild–the back patio of the library.

Amidst all this other activity, butterflies waited patiently to be released in the wild. The GCL was a beehive of excitement with children, parents, and library staff–all abuzz with their love of reading.

“We have between 100 and 125 kids show up each week,” said Cristine Braddy, director of the GCL. The GCL has programming for patrons of all ages. Find out more on their website. Also, stay tuned for more about the Goshen Library in a future post.


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