True Stories of Famous People—On GoWYLD!

Mar 11, 2025

Today is the anniversary of the death of a very famous historical figure—John Chapman, who was more commonly known as Johnny Appleseed. Loads of resources exist about this American pioneer who planted apple seeds throughout the midwest and left a living legacy of foliage and fruit throughout the United States, and GoWYLD is a great place to find out more about Johnny Appleseed, other historical figures, or contemporary humans of note.

Gale in Context’s Biography database has articles on the world’s most influential people of yesterday and today and can be found among GoWYLD Student Research Resources. Simply type in the name of the person you’d like to learn more about and you can access updated biographical information, as well as a bibliography of additional articles and resources in which they are mentioned.

Whether you’re curious about your favorite film star or recording artist or need to find out more about an important person from history, Gale in Context: Biography is a great place to start your research. Check it out today!

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