A “Recipe” for Programming Resources from the National Library of Medicine

Mar 3, 2016

by Marty Magee

Looking for a new “recipe” for programming on health resources? All it really requires is a meeting room, a computer with an Internet connection, a projector and a speaker and some people to participate. These resources are all free!

First: choose a focus

  • National Library of Medicine ToolkitsGeneral knowledge on MedlinePlus and evaluating health information
  • An audience: such as Seniors – try NIH Senior Health
  • An audience: such as parents of home schooled children – Look at K-12 Resources
  • A disease or medical issue. Need a special focus for a particular month?   Check out the calendar of National Health Observances from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.  You can print out a whole calendar year of noted observances. Along with the calendar are related ideas for promotion and sample announcements.   What could be easier?

Next – pick some resources – and keep it brief

Optional :  add in a speaker

  • Check out: Health Hotlines – Toll-Free Numbers from the National Library of Medicine: healthhotlines.nlm.nih.gov. Further inquiry could lead you to a local resource for the many not-for-profit associations.
  • Contact your local hospital, perhaps a nurse educator, to add to the program. Collaborate! 

Shake well

Ask questions of your audience – and encourage them to do the same. And if you need more ideas, you can always contact the National Network/Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region – 1-800-338-7657.

Marty Magee was formerly with the National Network/Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region. 

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