April 12 is National Library Workers Day! NLWD is a time to show appreciation for library staff and the contributions they make in transforming lives and communities through education and lifelong learning. Library professionals support individual opportunity and community progress, working in all types of libraries, including academic, public, school, government and special libraries such as military and prison libraries.
Although an exact count is not available, the Wyoming State Library estimates that more than 1,200 people work in the state’s libraries. Wyoming public libraries reported they employed 670 people in FY15. In addition, the Wyoming Libraries Directory lists 553 people as employees of academic, school and special libraries.
To show appreciation for library workers and the work they do every day, the public is invited to “Submit a Star” by providing a testimonial about a favorite library employee at ala-apa.org/nlwd/#galaxy.To follow or post on Twitter, the use the hashtag #librarystars.In addition, those celebrating National Library Workers Day can share their celebrations on Twitter, using #nlwd16 and/or posting to the NLWD Facebook page facebook.com/NationalLibraryWorkersDay. For more information, please visit ala-apa.org/nlwd/.
Established in 2004, the purpose of National Library Workers Day is to acknowledge all library employees, including librarians and support staff and others who make library service possible every day. NLWD is held annually during National Library Week.