With the downturn in the energy markets, many Wyoming libraries are facing budget cuts for FY17 and have been told to expect additional ones in the future. Doing more with less is not always possible; fewer dollars often mean reduced resources and services. When dollars are tight, it is more important than ever to go back to your strategic plan to ensure your highest priorities are preserved in the budget. This plan is your road map answering basic questions such as:
- What does our community look like now?
- What do we want our community to be in the future?
- What is the role of the public library in the community?
- What is our purpose?
- Whom do we serve and what do our customers want from us?
- What does success look like for us?
- How will we get there and what is our timetable?
- What staff, collections, facilities, technology and other resources will we need to achieve our planned goals and objectives?
For planning resources, see the Wyoming Public Library Board Members’ Handbook.