Grant Opportunities

Jun 9, 2016

Future Ready with the Library
Now through August 1st, small, rural, or tribal library staff can apply to be a part of a cohort who will create college and career readiness (CCR) services for the middle schoolers in their community. Successful applicants will receive a wide variety of support, including access to mentors, a stipend to purchase CCR materials, and funds to travel to Atlanta, GA, Jan. 19 – 20, 2017 for orientation, as well as to another conference of their choice. Cohort members will work online throughout 2017 to develop, implement, and evaluate a CCR service with a partner in their community. Learn more and apply by August 1 at You do not need to be a YALSA member to apply. Deadline: August 1.

Public Libraries Advancing Community Engagement (PLACE): Environmental Literacy Through Climate Change Discussions
The Califa Library Group is accepting applications for mini-grants to librarians in rural public libraries and under-resourced urban libraries who are interested in providing science-based adult programming focused on local weather challenges and threats. Grant award is $1,000 plus access to public program materials, professional development, ongoing programming support, and an online peer-to-peer community. Participating libraries will be working with the project for up to one year. For more information and to apply go to August 1.

Wish You Well Foundation
The Wish You Well Foundation supports adult and family literacy in the United States by fostering and promoting the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs. Applications limited to 501(c)3 organizations. Typical awards range from $200 to $10,000. Learn more and apply at ongoing.

Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) grants
Grants up to $2,500 are currently available to the state’s residents and organizations. All projects related to the SHRAB’s mission of identifying, preserving and providing access to the state’s historical records will be considered. Priority will be given to those applications that show commitment to enhanced online access to historical records.Grants are also available for ongoing training programs. Application and guidelines available at Deadline: June 30.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Grants to Libraries
The Carol McMurry Library Endowment was established in 2000 within the Wyoming Community Foundation to provide support to Wyoming librarians and publicly accessible Wyoming libraries in three areas: education and training (library and individual), library resources, and library foundation development. Applications from libraries accepted twice yearly. Learn more at deadline: June 15.

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