People News

Jul 12, 2016


Stephanie Hutt

Stephanie Hutt

Stephanie Hutt will be taking over the responsibilities as the Story Branch Manager after the retirement of Jo Elliott. Stephanie and her family have lived in Story for the last few years and she understands how important the Story Branch Library is to the community. She brings with her a strong background in customer service from several different industries and an enthusiasm for serving library customers of all ages.

Carla Perez

Carla Perez

Carla Perez, head of the Sweetwater County Library System’s technical services department retired at the end of June after 38 years with the library system. She was the  the longest-serving employee on staff at the time of her retirement. In her tenure, she has helped process and catalog hundreds of thousands of materials before they hit the library shelves.

Ellen Newell

Ellen Newell

Ellen Newell, White Mountain Library Reference Librarian and Rural Branch Coordinator, retired mid-June after 13 years with Sweetwater County Library System. She has worked in all three main libraries. Also an artist, Newell’s prints are hanging throughout the library system and in several other Wyoming libraries.




Micki Gilmore

Micki Gilmore

Micki Gilmore, reference librarian at Sweetwater County Library in Green River, retired in June after 22 years with the library. Micki worked in interlibrary loan, ran the Roots & Branches genealogy blog, helped create the library’s Ghost Log and led the library’s Ghost Walks. Upon leaving Micki wrote: “I enjoyed coming to work each day because the library is truly a great place to work. My co-workers are amazing people and they work hard to make the library a pivotal place for the community. They are amazing. Whether you are a regular patron, someone that orders Inter-library loans, an attendee for a genealogy class or a regular at the ghost walks, please know it has been my pleasure to work with you. Many of the patrons have become friends and I will miss seeing you on a regular basis.”

Barb Killpack

Barb Killpack

Barb Killpack, Sweetwater County Library System Homebound/Outreach Coordinator, retired July 14 after 16 years with the library system. In her tenure, she has delivered books to hundreds of homebound citizens in Sweetwater County who couldn’t travel to the libraries themselves to check out books. She also brought library services to the area’s senior centers and nursing homes.

Drifting Yukon book cover

Dan Syljuberget has just had a book published: Drifting Yukon: Living in Two Worlds with Yup’ik Eskimo Salmon Hunters. Syljuberget is the librarian at Hot Springs County High School.


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