On Wyoming Snapshot Day, we asked patrons why the library was important to them. We had so many great comments, it was tough to narrow it down to a few to share here on the blog. You can read all of them over on the Wyoming Snapshot Day website. We’d also encourage you to check out the photos and video.
Libraries make a difference every day. Here are some of our patrons telling us why:
“As a homeschooler the library is indispensable to me for resources” — Sarah Heiner, Lincoln County Library in Kemmerer
“The library provides me with many hours of entertainment I can afford.” — Kathy Ackley, Powell Branch Library
“The library is important for me because I LOVE to read and I have nothing to do after school, so why not hang out @ such a cool place.” — Converse County Library
“Life without the Library would feel empty.” — Dubois Branch Library
“I love knowing that just because I don’t have internet or a printer, that doesn’t mean I’ll fail because the library will provide anything I need to get my assignments done.” — Annastasia Cooley, Daly Library Gillette College
“It is so warm and welcoming. The staff always goes the extra mile to provide my favorite authors!” — Jeanne, Crook County Library
“Wonderful selection and terrific organization! And the nicest people, too. What’s not to love?” — Susan Callaway, Weston County Library
“It’s a wonderful place to find enrichment, entertainment, and resources — and to meet and discuss books.” — Riverton Branch Library