Abby Beaver Named State Librarian

Jan 16, 2024

Abby Beaver has accepted the position of Wyoming State Librarian. Having served as the Interim State Librarian since October 2023, Abby has been working for the Wyoming State Library in Cheyenne since 2016 as the Information Services Manager. During the years of 2018 through 2020, she also served as the Wyoming Library Association’s Vice-President and President.

“We feel fortunate to hire someone with Abby’s skillset to lead the Wyoming State Library,” said Patricia Bach, Director of the State of Wyoming’s Department of Administration and Information. “Abby brings a wealth of library knowledge and experience in addition to having strong relationships with the current staff. Abby did a great job as an interim director, so we knew the State Library would be in great hands moving forward.”

Prior to her time at the WSL, Abby worked at the University of Wyoming’s Coe library as a student employee and supervisor as she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in biology, with minors in zoology and music. She later worked at UW’s George Hopper Law Library before graduating with her Master of Library Science degree from Clarion University in 2010. Following her graduation, she became a librarian at Sheridan College, where she served from 2011 until 2016.

“I’m incredibly excited,” said Abby regarding her new position. “I’m so fortunate to have the support and expertise of the WSL staff to guide me in this transition. I’ve had an excellent experience working with Wyoming libraries in my role as Information Services Manager. I’m looking forward to building on that experience in the future.”

Abby hopes to strengthen the library community connections across Wyoming.  She would also like to expand reliable resources and programming opportunities for Wyoming residents as the State Librarian. “The Wyoming State Library staff are talented specialists with a wealth of library institutional knowledge,” said Abby.  “Our staff, as well as the rest of the Wyoming library community, have a strong and creative desire to support our patrons. I’m honored that my job is to support them in those admirable goals.”

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