ALSC Selects 13 More Great Websites for Kids

Jul 8, 2016

Great Websites for KidsThe Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, has added 13 more sites to Great Websites for Kids, the online resource featuring hundreds of links to exceptional websites for children. The newly added sites are:

  1. ALMA Kids
  2. Art for Kids
  3. CERNland
  4. Get the Math
  5. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
  6. Knowledge Kids
  7. Matemáticas Visuales
  8. Math TV
  9. Mineralogy4Kids
  10. NYPL Digital Collections
  11. SmartHistory
  12. TEDEd Lessons Worth Sharing
  13. We All Live in the Forbidden City

Great Web Sites for Kids features links to high-quality websites of interest to children 14 years of age and younger, organized into diverse subject headings such as animals; art; history; literature; sciences; and more. Each site entry includes a brief annotation and a grade-level rating.

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