Greeley Tribune. Teaching in a classroom. 1969-01-08. Retrieved from the City of Greeley Museums, http://cdm16720.contentdm.oclc.org/ cdm/ref/collection/p16720coll1/id/409. (Accessed March 4, 2024.)
The Colorado State Library is now accepting applicants to join a free learning opportunity on Digital Stewardship. Applications will be accepted until May 15.
We are seeking staff members at Colorado AND Wyoming libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies to participate in this facilitated peer group learning experience.
These courses are designed for those interested in learning best practices for digitizing and sharing historic collections.
CSL is one of five state libraries partnering with OCLC/WebJunction to lead participants through Digital Collections Stewardship, an online course designed specifically with the needs of small cultural institutions in mind.
More information and a link to the brief application can be found here: https://www.