Apply for Eclipse Glasses and Receive an Eclipse Education Kit

Feb 28, 2017

On August 21, 2017, a spectacular total eclipse of the Sun will be visible across the width of the continental U.S. for the first time since 1918.  Every state will have at least 60% of the Sun covered by the Moon, and lucky people on a narrow path from Oregon to South Carolina will see the stunning beauty of totality. STAR_Net’s NASA @ My Library initiative with support from NASA, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Research Corporation, and Google, is distributing over 2 million solar viewing glasses and an Eclipse Education Kit to public libraries.

Apply for Eclipse Glasses & Education Kit!

The application will ask you to respond to the following:

  • Describe (in a paragraph) what public events your library plans to do in the months and weeks leading up to the eclipse and on eclipse day.
  • Provide a direct web link to your library’s homepage, library’s events calendar, a newspaper article, or other website that demonstrates that your eclipse events are being publicly promoted.
  • Upload publicity materials that STAR_Net may feature on (optional)
  • Support from the Moore Foundation, Research Corporation, and Google allows libraries to choose to receive either 200 or 1,000 pairs of glasses (both will be accompanied by an Eclipse Guide and other education materials). It is our intention to provide glasses on a first come/first accepted basis until our supply runs out. Please specify your preference on the number of glasses. 200 or 1000?
  • Community Type: City, City/Suburb, Suburb, Suburb/Rural, Rural, Other

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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