Apply Now for Digital Skills Workshop Grants

Sep 10, 2019

Applications are now open for Wyoming public libraries for funding from Libraries Lead with Digital Skills to host digital skills workshops for job seekers and small business owners in your community. Details on how to receive $1000, application deadlines, and the application are available at the Libraries Lead website. Selected libraries will then have the opportunity to receive an additional $3,000.

This is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on how you are supporting your community’s economic growth through digital skills training. Please feel free to pass this opportunity along to other libraries. Deadline for Wyoming libraries to apply is October 7, 2019.

Select one of the Grow with Google resources to integrate into a new or existing workshop, class, event, etc. and submit your idea via the simple application. Accepted libraries receive:

  • Funding – $1,000 with minimal application and reporting requirements, with the opportunity to receive an additional $3,000 bonus if your program is selected for a Spotlight Award (view more details).
  • Marketing support – ALA and Google can help get the word out about your program with social media guidance, marketing assets, and more.
  • Technical guidance – Have questions about curriculum resources or programs? Ask Google! Need some best practices in library programming? PLA is here to help!
  • A community of practice – Troubleshoot challenges and share ideas with other libraries that receive funding alongside ALA, PLA, and Google.
  • Advocacy tools – Use our impact evaluation tools and advocacy resources to create and sustain the digital skills plan for your community.

For full program details, review the requirements & eligibility and preview the application (PDF, 4 pgs.) questions to prepare your application.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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