Campbell County Public Library in Gillette will host an author visit from Jennifer Nielsen, the award-winning author of A Night Divided, a young adult novel about the construction of the Berlin Wall. Among its honors, A Night Divided won the Wyoming Library Association’s 2017 Indian Paintbrush Award.
Jennifer Nielsen writes both fantasy and historical fiction novels for youth and teens. Her most recent historical fiction novel, Resistance (Scholastic, 2018) details the experiences of teens who worked for various resistance efforts during the rise of Nazi Germany.
Nielsen will be visiting 8th grade classes in the Campbell County school district on February 20-22 to speak about Resistance in preparation for their 8th grade Holocaust unit and research project. On Friday evening, February 22, at 6:30 pm, Nielsen will give a public presentation about the history behind both A Night Divided and Resistance.
Nielsen’s visit is made possible by the Campbell County Library Foundation, LLC, and a Campbell County Community Public Recreation District grant.