Book Review: Dasher’s Lucky Shoe

Dec 14, 2011

The Winter issue of the Wyoming Library Roundup magazine will not be delivered until after the holidays, so we wanted to share a book review that will be featured in that issue since it is relevant to the holidays.

Dasher’s Lucky Shoe
By Robin Lightner, illustrated by Kay Northrup
2011. Publisher: Big Deal Publishing.

It’s Christmas Eve and Santa and his reindeer are delivering Christmas toys at a ranch in Wyoming that has a therapeutic riding program. Dasher has lost one of his shoes and slips off the rooftop of the ranch. Santa, the toys, and the reindeer end up all over the place, and the children come out of the ranch house to help remedy the situation. But Santa cannot go on to any other houses since Dasher needs a new shoe. Fortunately, since the accident happened at a horse ranch, there’s a blacksmith who can make a new shoe for Dasher. While the blacksmith is making the shoe and putting it on Dasher, Santa asks one of the children to explain exactly what a therapeutic riding program is.

The book is well written, beautifully illustrated, and contains a lot of information about therapeutic riding programs. It comes in a box along with a “magical shoe” for the reader’s good luck. My daughter enjoyed the story so much that we’ve read it six times in the past two weeks.

Reviewed by: Jamie Markus, Library Development Manager, Wyoming State Library

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