The editors of Library Journal need your help in identifying the emerging leaders in the library world. Their 16th annual round of Movers and Shakers will profile 50 or more up-and-coming individuals from around the world who are innovative, creative, and making a difference. From librarians and other library workers to vendors, publishers, and others who impact the library field, Movers and Shakers 2017 will celebrate the people moving all types of libraries ahead.
Wyoming has had three librarians named as Movers and Shakers in past years: Amy J. Shelley in 2003, Jamie Markus in 2009, and Carrie Lucas in 2015. You can see the list of all past honorees by year or by location.
Deadline has been extended to Nov. 18. The 2017 Movers and Shakers will be highlighted in the March 15 issue of Library Journal. Use the online form to submit your nomination. Alternately, send as an attached Word document by email to; all informational fields from the online form must be included.