Celebrate Groundhog Day with a Tumblebook!

Feb 2, 2025

Happy Groundhog Day from the Wyoming State Library! Only time will tell if our country’s cutest weather forecaster’s prediction will be accurate this year, but it’s fun to celebrate this tradition that has been around for over 130 years.

If you’re looking for a great book to celebrate Groundhog Day with your young children or patrons, Mr. Groundhog Wants the Day Off by Pat Stemper Vojta is available on TumbleBook Library in the WSL’s GoWYLD’s Kids K-8 Resources page under Early Literacy.

In addition to Tumblebooks, there are many more resources for kids on GoWYLD. Bookflix ties fact to fiction by pairing fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction ebooks. NoveList K-8 Plus, which offers a searchable database especially for readers in grades K through eight and has a link to help readers locate their book in WYLDCAT and their library.  Readers can search for books on any topic, including groundhogs or Groundhog Day! If factual information is more your young reader’s speed, have them check out the Groundhog Day article in GoWYLD’s Britannica School resource.

As you can see, GoWYLD offers a wealth of resources for Wyoming kids of all ages. Head over to GoWYLD to find great resources about Groundhog Day, or any other topic you may be wondering about!

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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