Celebrate National Dog Day with your Favorite “Lab” Partner

Aug 26, 2021

Dog lying on grass looking up with tongue out and sunglasses photoshopped on. Text reads: "Dog Days of Summer; SciStarter; Science we can do together

National Dog Day is August 26, and SciStarter has some great ways to celebrate. In honor of your furry friend, participate in these simple at-home projects to help researchers learn more about your pup!

Canine Metacognition: Put your dog to the test! With treats and a couple minutes of training, any dog owner can participate in this citizen science project with Fido.

C-BARQ: Dog owners can share information about their furry friend’s behavior and temperament with researchers in the C-BARQ survey.

Family Dog Project: The Family Dog Project is currently the largest dog research group in the world.

Pets Can Do: The University of Lincoln in England is currently recruiting participants for a study on whether dogs are bothered when their humans use mobile phones.

Want more citizen science? Use the Project Finder to search for exciting citizen science projects on any topic you can think of (yes, that includes cats).

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