Children playing at the wind tunnel in the new Children’s Discovery Center.
The Children’s Discovery Center at the Rock Springs Library opened in March. The library is part of the Sweetwater County Library System.
The idea began in the spring of 2019 when longtime Rock Springs resident Jana Pastor approached the library system about establishing a children’s museum type of space in Rock Springs. Both libraries in Rock Springs were considered. The downtown library was eventually selected because of the value this type of space will bring the downtown area.
Funds were raised in a matter of months thanks to several donations by local nonprofits, businesses and private citizens. Construction began in January of 2020 after the entire Children’s Department was relocated from the bottom floor of the library to the top floor. This required other areas of the library to be modified. An unused teen section was eliminated, the adult non fiction collection was condensed, the audiobooks were relocated. Many items were moved across town to the White Mountain Library. Countless hours were spent by staff, volunteers, and Jana and her family to prepare the space.
Now open, the space includes a mini grocery store, ice cream truck, dress up stage, animal hospital, flight simulator, wind tunnel, building area with numerous blocks and much more. This space is a new way for children to learn and discover and represents how libraries are changing to meet the different needs in their community.
For more information, contact the Sweetwater County Library System.
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