Use ChiltonLibrary on GoWYLD to Keep Your Vehicle Cruising

Mar 20, 2024

Is your vehicle due for maintenance or repairs? Do you have questions about how you can repair it yourself, or how much it will cost to have someone else take care of it? Or, maybe you need some guidance to help you figure out what’s wrong with it in the first place. Whatever your automotive needs are, GoWYLD has a resource to help you keep your vehicle as safe and reliable as possible!

Consult the ChiltonLibrary resource on for authoritative automotive repair information. ChiltonLibrary has step-by-step service and repair procedures and labor estimates for thousands of the most common vehicles produced in the year 1981 and later–all in an easy-to-use, searchable online database!

Select the year, make, and model of your car, truck, or SUV from the drop-down menus and you’ll find a wealth of useful information particular to your vehicle. Close-up photos, illustrations, maintenance and specification tables, and wiring and vacuum diagrams provide the data and visual support needed by both DIY troubleshooters and those seeking information to determine their next move.

ChiltonLibrary also provides a video library to help you navigate repairs, learn more about how your vehicle functions, and use the content in ChiltonLibrary. The resource’s VIN decoder can help you find and get information from your vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number. If you’re having trouble pinpointing the specific issue with your vehicle, you can use the “Ask an Expert” messaging tool to help you figure out where to start.

Demonstration versions of Chilton’s Online ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Technician Test Preparation products are also included in the ChiltonLibrary resource on GoWYLD. The included quizzes can help automotive professionals prepare for the ASE certification exam. Technicians seeking certification can gain valuable information to help them determine what topics they need to review further prior to the exam.

Cruise over to GoWYLD for automotive information, study aids, and more!




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