State Publications Defined
State Publications are defined as items of published information, regardless of format, paid for with state funds, directed by executive order, or mandated by legislation, and which are produced for public distribution.
Download the documents below to learn more about the WSL’s depository program and how Wyoming state government agencies can help us to fulfill this mandate.
Digital Access
WYLD Catalog (WYLDcat)
GoWYLD Resources
Wyoming State Publications
Wyoming State Statutes

State Library Cards
To receive special access and privileges, Wyoming state government employees can apply for a State Library card by phone, email, mail, in person, or by using the online registration form.
Phone: 307-777-6333 | Email: statelibrary@wyo.gov
Address: 2800 Central Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82002
After registration users will receive a card with a unique ID number as well as informative literature about the many resources available to patrons.