Historical Documents
Wyoming’s legislative documents span a wide range of the state’s history. Access robust physical and electronic collections that include House and Senate Journals, Bills, Bill Actions, Enrolled Acts, Session Laws, and Session Audio files.
Explore the resources below for additional methods of legislative research.
Legislative Law History
Legislative Historical Facts
GoWYLD Subject Guide
Legislative Service Office
Digital Access
WSL’s Wyoming Legislation database is an extensive, user-friendly collection of legislative documents, free for you to access and research. You’ll find journals and digests from 1869-Present, digitized bills from 1873-2000, and records of actions on bills from 1957-2000.
Wyoming Legislation Database
Wyoming Legislation Archives
Wyoming State Archives
Wyoming State Law Library

State Library Cards
To receive special access and privileges, Wyoming state government employees can apply for a State Library card by phone, email, mail, in person, or by using the online registration form.
Phone: 307-777-6333 | Email: statelibrary@wyo.gov
Address: 2800 Central Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82002
After registration users will receive a card with a unique ID number as well as informative literature about the many resources available to patrons.