Connected Learning in Libraries

Jan 4, 2017

Researchers have released a white paper, Connected Libraries: Surveying the Current Landscape and Charting a Path to the Future, that synthesizes the currently dispersed research, worked examples, and best practices associated with promoting connected learning and 21st century skills in libraries.

The connected learning framework emphasizes creative and social learning experiences that are driven by learners’ personal interests. The framework’s core principles include learning contexts that are peer supported, interest powered, and academically oriented along with experiences that are production centered, openly networked, and bring together learners and adults around a shared purpose. The “connected” in connected learning refers to connecting in-school and out-of-school learning, connecting interests to opportunities, and connecting the learner to peers and mentors.

With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Con­nect­edLib is help­ing librar­i­ans incor­po­rate dig­i­tal media into their work with youth to pro­mote con­nec­tions across learn­ing con­texts.

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