Cupcake Wars at Lander Library

Jul 25, 2017

Submitted by Audie Cunningham
Fremont County Library System-Lander

This year was our 5th annual Cupcake Wars competition for the teen department at the Lander Library. We had six teams of two register to compete in the cupcake decorating contest. Our judges this year were Jeannette Woodward, a member of the Friends of the Library and former Library Director. We also had Paul Primrose, an English teacher at the high school and library patron.

Teams decorated their cupcakes according to a chosen literary theme during an allotted 20 minutes. A few of this years themes included King Arthur, Hamilton, and Marvel. Each team also got a secret ingredient right before the competition that had to be incorporated into their design. Secret ingredients included fruit loops, doughnut holes and a melted chocolate bar.

This years winners were Maille Gray and Allison Brown (The Rainbow Readers) who chose King Arthur as their theme. They obviously put a lot of thought into planning their designs and had source materials to help them during the competition. Teens had to utilize a number of skills during the one-hour program including creativity, craftsmanship, problem solving, engineering, teamwork and public speaking.

Lots of fun (and sugar) were had by all! This year the program was funded by a Lander District Recreation Board along with all of our other Summer Reading Programs this year.

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