Embed a Cloud Library Bookshelf on Your Library’s Search Page

Aug 23, 2016

Cloud Library embedThe featured shelves in 3M Cloud Library are a quick way to find a great read. Now, your WYLD library can embed a featured shelf on your main search page.

To show a featured shelf on any web page, go to the Cloud Library web app and select ‘list view’ for any shelf.

  • Copy the URL in the address bar of the browser
  • Change the word ‘Featured’ in the URL to ‘EmbeddableTray’
  • Create an iFrame on any web page using the edited URL as the target

Example – New this month
This code will display the new books featured shelf below:
<iframe src=”https://ebook.yourcloudlibrary.com/library/wyominglibraries/EmbeddableTray/a44917189bfc42bd936adb0e49c57bca” width=”90%” height=”150″ style=”border:none;”> </iframe>

The Cloud Library will be rebranded in coming weeks as a Bibliotheca product, instead of 3M. We’ll have more information on the blog soon. In the meantime, you can download the new marketing kit.



If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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