Explora has a new interface. Check out Explora Primary, Explora Middle and Explora High School on GoWYLD.
Explora searches across multiple EBSCO GoWYLD subscription databases. For example, a search in Explora Middle or Explora High School could include results from Middle Search Plus, MAS Ultra, Topic Pages 6-12, and Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, as well as History Reference Center or the EBSCO Host e-book collection. Explora Primary searches Primary Search, Funk and Wagnalls, and Topic Pages K-5.
Select All Filters to narrow by Lexile, as well as content provider (the EBSCO databases) and source type. Users can create an EBSCO account to save articles and organize research. Articles can also be shared to Google Docs, Google Classroom and to Microsoft OneDrive
Find Explora here, linked from the alphabetical list at the top of the GoWYLD home page. You’ll also find Explora Public Libraries and Explora Teachers Resources.
GoWYLD resources are available free to at your local Wyoming library or from anywhere with your library card number and PIN. For more information, about the databases, training, or marketing materials, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian at chris.vanburgh@wyo.gov.