Featured GoWYLD Resource: Summer Reading With Novelist

Jul 2, 2018

This month the WSL is using July to promote Novelist Plus, the perfect place to find that summer read that’s sure to become one of your favorites.

See the resource page to learn more and find tools to let your patrons and students know about Novelist Plus.

Visit Novelist Plus to search the best fiction and nonfiction by title, plot, genre, and reading level. Find extras such as Books to Movies, Picture Book Extenders, and Book Discussion Guides.

Libraries should have received their mini-marketing kit by email to promote this resource to patrons. You can also find the kit on our web page under Information for Librarians.

If you would like to be either added to or removed from our monthly email list for the mini-marketing kits, contact Susan Mark at susan.mark@wyo.gov or (307) 777-5915.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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