February 2017 People News

Feb 16, 2017

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Maura Hadaway has been named Interim Associate Dean, Ludden Library and Learning Commons at Laramie County Community College. Maura joined the LCCC faculty in the Fall of 2015 as an Instructor in Computer Information Systems. Prior to that, Maura worked as a Licensing Program Account Manager for LYRASIS, as a project manager in the telecom industry and BCR, and even earlier as the Technical Services Technician at the LCCC Library.  She earned her MLIS from the University of Washington and BS in History from the University of Wyoming.


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Sublette County Library System bid farewell to Big Piney Branch Manager Amy Cahill with a goodbye party on January 20. Amy worked for the library system almost seven years, and became the Big Piney manager in July 2015. During her time at Sublette County, she earned her MLS from San Jose State University’s online program. She is moving back to Bar Harbor, Maine.



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