February is Library Lovers’ Month

Feb 1, 2019

Heart that reads: "A room without books is like a body without a soul -- Bailee

Photo from Sweetwater County Library System’s Facebook page.

February is for lovers — library lovers, that is! Are you celebrating Library Lovers’ Month in your library? Maybe you could create a place for your patrons to write why they love their library. (See some great comments on that front from Wyoming Snapshot Day.) Or you could set readers up on a “blind date with a book.”

Yes, romance is in the air, and also on the fiction shelves, organized nicely so that your patrons can always find their next great read. And the people in your community can return the love by visiting, using library resources, volunteering, making donations, or advocating for library funding with local decision-makers.

How are you celebrating? We’d love to know! Please share your plans in the comments, and we may just feature them in this month’s Outrider newsletter.




If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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