Find Personal or Business Legal Forms in GoWYLD

Apr 24, 2023

GoWYLD includes Gale LegalForms. Locate it alphabetically or under the Law subject category. This resource allows you to create accurate, reliable legal documents for free at your library or with a Wyoming library card. Many of the forms and documents are available in Word and Adobe format so you can simply “fill in the blanks.”

You’ll find forms such as landlord tenant, wills, healthcare, real estate, name change, construction, bills of sale, and consents & permissions. You’ll also find Wyoming-specific “attorney forms” — officially approved forms actually used by law firms

There are sample letters (more than 2000!) for everything from sports letters of intent to letters of recommendation to loans and lending to a letter from Santa! If you click on Sample Letters on the left under popular searches, you can then use the search box at the top to find something more specific. Just add and plus your terms after sample letter in the search box. You can also select Letters under Browse Main Categories.

Small business owners and entrepreneurs will find an array of forms for human resources, accounting, licenses, and more. There’s also a Tax Forms link (on the top left) that goes to the Wyoming Department of Revenue’s excise tax forms.

Use the Browse by Main Category or Browse Categories by Alphabet, the links to popular searches, or enter terms in the search box.

When you use the search box, ex: landlord, you will see ✱ next to the forms that are in Spanish language or Spanish-English bilingual versions.

Search example

Please take a look at the About info and the FAQ before using these forms. Those links are in the top right. Also helpful are the Legal Q&A and LegalLife® articles. This resource has been made available through November 30, 2023 using grant funds provided by Wyoming Community Navigator.

Gale LegalForms is available for free from your library or, using your Wyoming library card and PIN, from your personal computer or mobile device. For more information about the databases, training, or marketing materials, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian,

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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