Find Thousands of E-Books and Audiobooks in GoWYLD with Libby

Jun 13, 2022

Woman standing in front of wall with promo text for Libby e-books

Wyoming library card holders can browse, borrow, and explore more online. Our digital collections have something for WYLD minds of all ages, and best of all, it’s all free!

For June, we’re featuring Libby, powered by OverDrive. Use the Libby app with our vast catalog of e-books and audiobooks in the Wyoming Virtual Library. Browse thousands of available new and best-selling titles and borrow without the wait or any late fees.

On-demand access to e-books, audiobooks, e-courses, webinars, and tools for early readers,
starts at Login from anywhere with a library card to start searching topics and titles today.

Watch the video below to learn more!

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