Four Selected for MPLA Leadership Institute

Apr 18, 2018

Four people from the Wyoming library community have been chosen for the 2018 Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) Leadership Institute that will take place April 29 through May 4. MPLA is a 12-state association of librarians, library paraprofessionals and friends of libraries. Its purpose is to promote the development of librarians and libraries by providing significant educational and networking opportunities.

Cynthia Hughes, University of Wyoming, Laramie
Cynthia is a Metadata Librarian at the University of Wyoming. She is a member of the Wyoming Library Association and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries, where she serves on the Marketing & Membership Committee. Her first job out of library school was working within a community (Beecher, IL) that had just formed a public library. She also worked as a cataloger at a small academic library in North Carolina. She earned her master’s degree in library science at the University of Illinois and her Bachelor of Arts at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Kate Mutch, Natrona County Library, Casper
Kate is the Assistant Director of the Natrona County Library. She began as a volunteer in a small library (service population 2,500) in Colorado in 1995 and later became the director of that library. In 1999, she moved on to a director’s job in Andover, Kansas, where she began pursing her MLS degree from Emporia State University. She received her degree in 2003 and returned to the West to work for he Natrona County Public Library She has served on the Wyoming Library Association (WLA) Awards committee and is currently serving on the WYLD (ILS) Governing Board, the WLA Legislative Committee, the WYLD shared purchasing committee, and as chair of the WYLD training committee. In an unofficial capacity she’s been the “wrangler” of all things Overdrive for a Wyoming consortia.

Sarah E. North, Casper College Goodstein Foundation Library, Casper
Sarah is the Assistant Library Director at Casper College where she oversees Public Services, designs information literacy instruction, guides assessment projects, develops outreach events, and organizes employee community-building efforts. She received her MLIS from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec and is working toward an Ed.S in Higher Education Administration at Fort Hays State University. Her passions include serving community college students, developing collective efficacy within a team, and collaborative board games.

Ruth Troyanek, Albany County Public Library, Laramie
Ruth is the Director of the Albany County Public Library. She’s worked at ACPL since 2003 in several different roles. She was the Youth Services Librarian for six years before becoming Director in June of 2017. Ruth earned her MLS from the University of Iowa. In her free time she enjoys biking, running and camping with her family.


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