Free, online, continuing education events for August 24-31 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Monday, Aug 24 (1-2 pm)
Teaching News and Media Literacy in an Election Year (
Navigating the news and media landscape can be challenging – especially in an election year. From wall-to-wall campaign coverage to attack ads and stump speeches, there’s a lot to process – especially for students.Join this edWebinar to learn about: Where to find quality resources to teach news and media literacy in your classroom; Tips on facilitating discussions and lessons about the news and current events; Easy, grab-and-go activities aimed at students’ news and media literacy in an election year.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (8-9:30 am)
Tackling Racism in Classic Children’s Literature (Indiana State Library)
We all know that there are outdated and racist classics on our shelves. These books reflect a homogenous past, yet they still thrive in an ostensibly multicultural present. How do we hold fast to intellectual freedom while solidifying our commitment to diversity and inclusiveness? Nashville Public Library spent a year asking that question and the resulting work can be replicated by other libraries seeking to apply an anti-racist lens to their collections. Join us as Klem-Marí Cajigas and Lindsey Patrick-Wright offer insight and suggestions for us to re-evaluate our own collections.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (11-12 pm)
Attracting and Retaining Diverse Board Members (Bloomerang)
Author, journalist, professional speaker, social impact strategist, and lobbyist, Terri Broussard Williams will share how to attract diverse superstars and take a look at what to do to keep them engaged and at your board table.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (11-12 pm)
Newsletters & Annual Reports: Multichannel Impact Reporting for the Modern Era (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a workshop focused on reporting impact to our donors. We’ll examine how print/mailed communications work in tandem with email to ensure our donors are informed and engaged. And we’ll look at systems to simplify the development of these vital fundraising tools.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (11-12:30 pm)
Reaching the Hard to Reach: Empowering Community Members to Think Differently & Embrace Teens with SUD and Mental Health Challenges (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Join us for a webinar that will shed some light on teen mental health and substance use disorders. Learn how you can prepare for this surge in mental health challenges with examples of practices and programs that can be replicated in your community, and that provide the needed connection with teens who are hard to reach.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (12-1 pm)
Re-Energize Volunteer Engagement with Mission-Driven Opportunities (VolunteerMatch)
In this session we’ll discuss creating a connection between the work volunteers do and the mission of your organization. You’ll learn how to design volunteer opportunities with real impact, and how to tell the story of that impact both within your organization and to your community. Attendees will leave with sample mission-driven position descriptions and a worksheet to help craft their organization’s story of volunteer engagement.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (12-1 pm)
Personal Branding… How Are You Building and Maintaining Your Personal Brand (Training Magazine Network)
Who you are and why the rest of the world should want to do business with you is one of the most important keys to your success–it’s all about your personal brand! But like anything else, care must be taken to ensure that it is properly developed, maintained, and refreshed as needed. You rely on your personal brand in every interaction with every prospective or current customer every day—we’ll discuss how to define and evaluate your personal brand, how to optimize it in everyday activities and play to your strengths, and, perhaps most importantly, how to go about making changes if it’s not what you want. Everything you do every day contributes to your personal brand—take control and make it what you want it to be!
Tuesday, Aug 25 (12-1 pm)
Staying Secure in the Remote World (GovLoop)
Millions of public servants became remote employees overnight due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, even as we work from home, employees need to stay secure as hackers look for vulnerabilities in the new working environment. Join us online to learn why a zero trust approach to securing your agency’s enterprise endpoints has never been more difficult – or more important.
Tuesday, Aug 25 (12-1:30 pm)
COVID-19 and Collections Care: Part Two (Federal Depository Library Program)
This 90-minute webinar will include background information on the coronavirus, the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and research coming out of the cultural heritage field, while introducing participants to recommendations for mitigating risks related to handling and care of collections materials.This session is an update to a webinar recorded in June 2020, COVID-19 and Collections Care.
Wednesday, Aug 26 (9-10 am)
Pretty Sweet Tech (Nebraska Library Commission)
Special monthly episodes of NCompass Live! Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.
Wednesday, Aug 26 (11-12 pm)
Is Social Enterprise Right for You? (Propel Nonprofits)
Starting a social enterprise can be a great way for your organization to achieve the double bottom line: mission impact and a new unrestricted revenue stream. Join us as we define social enterprise and look at the four areas you should research as you evaluate this revenue option for your organization.
Wednesday, Aug 26 (11-12 pm)
Libraries Build Pathways to Wellbeing (Research in Public Libraries)
Through mixed methods research, the Rural Library Service & Social Wellbeing project found that a) public libraries are a component of social wellbeing outcomes in rural communities, and b) there are ways libraries provide service that influence outcomes. In this webinar you’ll hear about the design and outcomes of our research, the Evidence-Based No Rules Tools under development, and how qualitative data coding made it all possible.
Wednesday, Aug 26 (12-1 pm)
Cultural Humility in Practice: Knowledge Equity and the K’acha Willaykuna Collaborative (San Jose State University)
The K’acha Willaykuna Knowledge Equity Working Group actively explores stewardship of indigenous knowledge works through decolonial information practices. Through discussions, flash-lectures, hands-on workshops and community projects, the group actively works to support the preservation of Indigenous knowledge in response to marked knowledge equity gaps of non-Western languages, cultures and histories. This session will reflect on the role of cultural humility in the development of the K’acha Willaykuna Collaborative as an example of closing the gap between EDI values and practice.
Wednesday, Aug 26 (12-1 pm)
Reimagining Individual Giving During and Beyond COVID-19 (Candid Learning)
Join Candid’s panel discussion with fundraising leaders from the MLK Community Health Foundation, the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland, VentureLab, and the Soul of Philanthropy on how they tap into and are reimagining individual giving in the middle of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The presenters will also touch upon stewarding in a virtual climate and will share their experiences about what has worked for them and what can be done better.
Thursday, Aug 27 (11-12 pm)
Fundraising During Challenging Times: Perspective from the Blackbaud Target Analytics Consulting Team (Blackbaud)
Join members of the Blackbaud Target Analytics consulting team for a discussion on the role of data during times of crisis and economic stagnation. Leveraging decades of combined experience in nonprofit advancement, research, analytics and benchmarking, the team will address insights we can glean from past events as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic is unique. In addition to overcoming the challenges of today, the team will share their thoughts on how nonprofit professionals can grow from trying times and best position themselves to meet the challenges of the future head-on.
Thursday, Aug 27 (11-12 pm)
Creating an Excel Dashboard (IdealWare)
Need to create a low-cost dashboard using existing tools? Excel is a surprisingly powerful tool that can be used to assemble and display your data. We’ll show you how to use Excel’s built-in features and functions to create a dashboard that brings your data to life.
Thursday, Aug 27 (12-1 pm)
Receptive to Race: Normalizing the Discussion of Race with Children in Libraries (Colorado State Library)
Research shows that children notice race at a very young age, and often draw erroneous conclusions if no one speaks to them about it. With a focus on story time, programming, collection development and user services, we will discuss and model ways librarians can talk about race and racism in age appropriate ways with children.