Free Continuing Education Events for August 28-31

Aug 27, 2023

Free, online, continuing education events for August 28-31 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events on our Training Calendar.

Calendar listings

All times MDT

Monday, Aug 28 (12-1 pm)
Colonial Archives in the Classroom: Student and Instructor Perspectives (Association of Southeastern Research Libraries)
Where does research end and creative imagination begin? How might teaching archival literacies to students also involve understanding poetry and storytelling? And how might empowering students to produce original work from the archives allow historians, curators and publishers to re-imagine the voices present and absent in the archives – the primary evidence we have of our past? This panel brings together the voice of an instructor, Professor Christine Wiesenthal and her undergraduate student Saloni Sharma from the University of Alberta, as well as the PhD student, Shebati Sengupta, from the University of New Mexico. They will be joined by a publisher of primary source collections, Dr. Laura Blomvall from AM, in an effort to stage a conversation between instructors, students and publishers on student success in the context of the colonial legacies in the archive.

Monday, Aug 28 (2-3 pm)
Decompress as a Supervisor – What to Do When You’re Overloaded (GovLoop)
Summer is a time for vacation, but it can also cause overload at work with conflicting time off and picking up loose ends. You’ve probably experienced that feeling of sitting at your desk, with a mile-long to-do list that you can’t even start because there is too much going on. Join us to learn from government leaders and your peers about how to decompress so you can do your job.

Tuesday, Aug 29 (11-12 pm)
3 Mistakes Leaders Make: Get the Balance Right (Library Support Alliance)
Calling all library-support organization staff!  If you work in a system, consortia, cooperative, association, state library, or some other type of organization that works with member libraries, your members look to you for leadership. Join us for an interactive webinar to talk with other library-support organization staff about leadership!

Tuesday, Aug 29 (11:30-12:30 pm)
Dyslexia and the Public Library (Indiana State Library)
The public library can be a scary place for people with dyslexia.  Join us for a quick overview of the science of reading and dyslexia and how to apply best practices to create a welcoming place for all brains, including people with dyslexia.   We will explore ways public libraries can serve as a dyslexia resource center for children and parents and help promote awareness in local communities.

Tuesday, Aug 29 (12-1 pm)
Nonprofit Recruitment: Attracting Top Talent (GrantStation)
During this webinar, Autumn Joyce of Cultivate Advisors will show you how to brand your recruitment efforts properly. By actively considering your brand, mission, vision, and values when recruiting, you can help your organization attract top talent and increase its impact.

Wednesday, Aug 30 (8-9 am)
Writing Policy Without Worry (Indiana State Library)
In this session, we will go over the basics of writing policies and learn tips and tricks to making them as painless as possible. We will also talk about how we can ensure that our policies are fair and equitable. We will have hands-on practice with writing a simple policy.

Wednesday, Aug 30 (9-10am)
NCompass Live: Pretty Sweet Tech – Online (Nebraska Library Commission)
Special monthly episodes of NCompass Live! Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.

Wednesday, Aug 30 (11-12 pm)
Develop Your Teams by Building on Strengths (Fast Forward Libraries)
Teams are a critical unit at your library – it’s where people learn, share, and feel connected. How can we better develop our teams to ensure positive working relationships and job satisfaction? This webinar will go deep into team building (but not in a “let’s do a ropes course!” way!). We’ll share the theory behind how teams develop their dynamics and cultures and several proven approaches to using a strengths-based approach for intentionally cultivating a productive environment.

Wednesday, Aug 30 (12-1pm)
Reducing Burnout for Academic Library Workers who have Complicated Lives (AKA: Everybody) (Niche Academy)
Jessica Lee, Mike Holt, and Robert Griggs-Taylor have researched the experience of parents and burnout. But they recognize that everyone has complicated lives. Individual practices that alleviate and reduce burnout are to everyone’s benefit, including parents of minor children. In this presentation, they will reach into their survey data and examine the interventions used to prevent burnout, along with institutional measures that respondents felt would make positive impacts on their immediate lives.

Thursday, Aug 31 (11-12 pm)
10 Quick Tips to Supercharge Your Next Fundraising Appeal (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a review of the best practices in writing fundraising appeal letters. Chad will boil down the research from top fundraising experts to provide actionable tips on both how to write content that spurs action and how to actually get prospects to open the envelope.

Thursday, Aug 31 (11am-12pm)
Health Data Privacy in the Library (Network of the National Library of Medicine)
This webinar will explore the role libraries play in patron health journeys, which includes the layout of our physical spaces, the way we handle sensitive documents, which resources we share, and more. Privacy advocate Tess Wilson will discuss practical approaches to patron support and ways we might teach patrons about their health data safety.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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