Free Continuing Education Events for March 28-31

Mar 27, 2022

Free, online, continuing education events for March 28-31 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

Image of calendar

All times MDT

Mar 29-30
NNLM Virtual Symposium (National Library of Medicine)
If you are interested in research, we welcome you! This includes both new and experienced researchers, health professionals, students, health sciences and public librarians, citizen/community scientists, and the general public.

Tuesday, Mar 29 (12-1 pm)
Social Media and Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)
Volunteer engagement is changing. What do you need to know about social media as a volunteer program manager? How can you use social media to promote your volunteer opportunities and recruit volunteers? This webinar will offer an introduction to including social media in your volunteer recruitment and retention plans. You’ll see examples of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube pages, as well as blogs that other nonprofits have successfully used to draw attention to their organizations and volunteer opportunities. You’ll also learn about the social media tools available as part of your VolunteerMatch account that can help you promote your volunteer opportunity on other social networking sites.

Tuesday, Mar 29 (1-4 pm)
Library 2.022: Virtual Reality and Learning: Leading the Way (Library 2.0 and SJSU)
Virtual Reality was identified by the American Library Association as one of the 10 top library technology trends for the future. The use of this technology is equally trending in the education, museum, and professional learning spheres. Virtual Reality is a social and digital technology that uniquely promises to transform learning, build empathy, and make personal and professional training more effective and economical.

Wednesday, Mar 30 (8-9 am)
The Ins and Outs of On and Offboarding (Indiana State Library)
Onboarding and off boarding are the bookends of the employee experience.  What are they, why should we do them, and how do we do them effectively?

Wednesday, Mar 30 (10-11 am)
Monthly Giving: Your Nonprofit Sustainability Plan (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a session on launching, marketing and growing a monthly giving program at your nonprofit organization. Chad will highlight the data behind why monthly giving is the key to nonprofit sustainability and then provide specific, actionable steps that you can take to launch or expand a monthly giving program. Templates and resources will be provided to help attendees implement the recommendations.

Wednesday, Mar 30 (10-11:30 am)
Employee Onboarding: What Every Great Manager Should Know (Engaging Local Government Leaders)
Effective onboarding has been shown to be a major factor in long-term work satisfaction for employees, and it is strongly correlated with likelihood of turnover in the first year on the job. Despite its importance, most organizations and managers give little thought to exactly how an employee’s first day, week, and month should proceed. In this interactive workshop, speaker Ben Mead-Harvey will lead a deep-dive into the most effective way to onboard new employees.

Wednesday, Mar 30 (11-12 pm)
Genealogy Series: 1950 Census—The 1950 Census Website: Design, Development, and Features to Expect (National Archives)
Michael Knight’s presentation will provide attendees with an overview of the design and development approach used in the creation of the 1950 Census website. Attendees will also learn about the various search and discovery features that will be available on the website when it is launched on April 1.

Wednesday, Mar 30 (12-1:30 pm)
Infusing Nature-Based Pedagogy into ECE Programs (Early Childhood Investigations)
In this inspiring webinar, the second in a series of two, authors from The Environmental Kinship International (EKI) will share tips, ideas, and aspirations related to their new free pedagogical framework designed specifically for early educators in nature-based programs.

Thursday, Mar 31 (8-9:30 am)
Material and Program Challenges in the Public Library (Indiana State Library)
In this panel, four librarians will share their experience with a variety of challenges. Book, display, and program challenges, as well as experience with book banning groups will be discussed. Cheri Harris, from the Indiana State Library, will also go over a summary of key legal points to remember when dealing with challenges.

Thursday, Mar 31 (1-2 pm)
Your Community by the Numbers: Ancestry, and Foreign-Born Populations (US Census Bureau)
Learn about how to access data from the Census Bureau on the foreign-born and ancestry groups using a variety of online tools available at, and other online data tools. During this training, you will also learn about how the Census Bureau collects and publishes data on these topics, as well how to access and download tables and create maps.

Thursday, Mar 31 (2-3 pm)
Bystander Intervention to Stop LGBTQIA+ Harassment (hollaback!)
This one-hour, interactive training will teach you Hollaback!’s 5D’s of bystander intervention methodology. We’ll start by talking about the types of disrespect that LGBTQIA+ folks are facing right now — from microaggressions to violence — using a tool we call the “spectrum of disrespect.” You’ll learn what to look for and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities. We’ll talk through five strategies for intervention: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct; and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. We’ll have time at the end for practice, and you’ll leave feeling more confident intervening the next time you see anti-LGBTQIA+ harassment.

Thursday, Mar 31 (6:30-7:30 pm)
Citizen Science Month Kickoff (SciStarter)
April is Citizen Science Month! Join us for this hour long Zoom session to learn about three citizen science apps you can start using immediately (and why you should!) We will look at GLOBE Observer Land Cover, Debris Tracker and iNaturalist. Join in the fun. Recommended for 13 and older.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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